
Will Begin to Update Again

OK, so my world needs love, now I know how God feels most of the time.

I'll be giving this whole thing a revamp in the next few days, both style wise and activity wise, as it'll be handy for posting little event tid-bits and stuff, hints at what I'm working on, etc.

Anyway as a sort of bonus for the long delay, here's a demotivator I found amusing, what with the LHC recently.

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The Sweetest Victory.

Today is a bit of a big day for me, as as of this afternoon I am officially finished high school forever with the last of my final exams now behind me.

Thinking back on it, two years really has passed so quickly. Originally when I made the decision to go back and complete high school, it's safe to say I was unsure how exactly it would end, and whether or not I would actually be able to see it out to the end.

I find it hard to put my feelings into words at the moment, there's an overwhelming sense of relief that it's finally behind me, as well as a lot of other emotions jumbled in there, pride, joy and even a bit of sadness that all the people I've worked with for these two years are going to go their separate ways.

It's my World and I'll post if I want to.

First post here in my World... such an odd thing to say heh. Still sort of pining for the old layout of MyO, things just seemed simpler, but once I get used to it, I'm sure I'll grow very fond of things over here.
