What is Love!?

The key question to a relationship... What is love?? Love is... an emotion that can bloom into a new flower (personality)! But then your love life ends and it stabs you in the back. WEll love I hope you shrivel up and get a life! Of course until I actually understand love. Do I really even have a say in this! I mean my friends are always trying to make admit that I like someone I don't like! And no one should force ones to be together... then again if the two lovers each share feelings for each other but don't know it, I guess you could force a relationship by getting them together. Would that even be forceful? This is getting confusing I'm just expressing my feelings about love is all!

So far I've had at least 3 to 4 guys like me and my friend are trying to make me start a relationship with someone... What should I do?! What is Love!?

