Meet Lily

More Pics? [with Joe]

Name: Lily Angel
Age: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Hair: Originally blonde. Dyed lime green on a dare. "Emo" style bangs cover her left eye.
Eyes: Green
Clothes: When alive she wore bright colors, usually pinks and oranges, but simple, and easy to move in. Like, gym clothes or jeans and a t-shirt. In death, I usually depict her wearing white, because I'm cliche like that.
Other Physical Characteristics: Also dyed her eyebrows green.
Flaws: Well, She's dead...
Personality: She was very protective. She had very guardian like traits, and was always helping those who needed help. Very kind, but she also had authority. She knew how to be a leader, and would have made a great one had she lived long enough to do so.
Speaking Pattern: Clear, easy to understand.
Themesong: You're guardian Angel
~Color: Pink
~Food: Hamburgers
~Activities: Truth or Dare
~Holiday: Easter
~Toothpaste: The Nasty Bubblegum Kind.

Background: Her mother is an alcoholic, and is unsure who her father is. She had to develop a high level of responsibility at a very young age, taking care of her nearly always passed out mother, and her younger brother. When Joe's parents were killed in a mysterious accident, she fought to let him move in with her family. She forged her mother's signature on a number of adoption papers, and saved Joe from being sent to an orphanage. They had already been good friend, but soon after ended up being more than that. Lily had always dreamed of adventure, and longed to get off the Island where she was always being judged for her mother's mistakes. When a pirate ship came looking to recruit youth, she talked Joe and Luan into signing up with her. Luan wanted to do something special before he left, but his plans went drastically wrong and ended with an explosion that killed Lily. He went on to be a pirate in order to fulfill her dreams, and he altered his appearance to be like hers so he would feel as though she were always there.
~Luan: Her Younger (Possibly half-) Brother who was slightly obsessive over her.
~Joe: Childhood sweetheart.

Occupation: N/A
Weapons: N/A

Random other info:
-Every cliche that accompanies angels pretty much applies to her, because I am unclever like that.
-Has the last name Angel, because I wanted to give Luan that last name, but for certain reasons I could not... No one knows their father, so I figure they could have whatever last name they want. Their mother's last name is Brown.

