<_< not mine just some cool video on youtube ;] RANDOM ;]
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Detective Novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Secrets

Satu was walking down the corridor where Kaleas room was she hadn’t come out yet and it was almost 1pm he knocked on the door three times rather quietly it was opened straight away and Kaleas head popped out she blocked his view into the room with her body “yes?” she seemed pretty annoyed about being disturbed her eyes were the dark grey they became when she was in a mood “I thought I should come and ask if you want some breakfast, what you doing?” he smiled politely she eyed him up and a small grin appeared on her face “why don’t you” she paused a painful look spread across her face “never mind, don’t worry about me I'm just thinking don’t disturb me” she closed the door in his face, what was wrong this time? She was being moody again he wandered off to tell Nate.
a few days later Satu was out on his way to the shops to get some food seeing as Kalea hadn’t emerged from her room since the day she decided to enter that room he looked up at the building he knew which room would be hers he knew he wouldn’t be able to see in, it was over 80 floors up but he could see that her curtains were drawn, the only black amongst the white windows that was odd, when she was thinking she always had the curtains open, she liked to look out at the city. He was on his way out of the shop, he had put on a white top and jeans to look a little less like a giant living, breathing care-bear he noticed a figure following him out of the shop, he knew he had to go down some dark alleys on his way back and it was already getting dark, oh well he just had to carry on, what else could he do? He walked hastily down the alley when he felt a cold hand touch his shoulder and spin him around, he took in the black eyes and rather scary grin “boo!” it was Kalea why was there a slightly nasty glint in her eye and the way she smiled her face flinched like before when she was in her room and she leaned away from him slightly “sorry” she laughed rather nervously “let me help you carry the bags, you just looked a little lonely so I thought I should come out and help you, I saw you in my mind” she grinned he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, trying not to let her notice him studying her it seemed like she was scolding herself in her head, she was scowling and biting her lip “are you ok?” he asked quietly, he didn’t want to set her off in a major mood again “yeah I'm fine, hey look ill take these back” she lifted up the bags “you’ll just have to try and keep up with me” she laughed and vanished, it was hard to believe that someone could move that fast, so fast you couldn’t see them he stood still and looked dead ahead, hadn’t she said she saw him by himself? Then why had she been stalking him around the shop? Something wasn’t right here, maybe she really was going loopy unless it wasn’t her that had been stalking him, he shook his head trying to clear his mind before slowly walking back to his home.

Detective Novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10: More Clues “Ugh! They’re playing with us” Kalea was very close to savaging the computer screen “this killer is playing games with us!” she clenched her fists “ouch” she muttered and look...

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Detective Novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Deciphering the Tricks

“Look!” Kalea rushed over to Nate’s computer
“what is it?” she looked at his screen and saw a note
“it says they found it on the fireplace actually the past five murder cases have had these notes but the police never got round to putting the information up in their files” he frowned
“see this is why we need Toronei” she crossed her arms “he still hasn’t come back, ok lets see the notes” she leaned on the desk and read the notes one by one “so detective” Satu said cheerily, he was happy to have something to go by finally and he figured this would keep Kalea entertained for a bit and keep her form going all moody again “what's your verdict on these notes?” she put up her index finger “number one: these notes are probably some code to us, to throw us off the scent, you know they would have been better off if they hadn’t done this because we had absolutely no leads what so ever until now oh well it makes our jobs easier ok number two: they are all written by hand number 3: the handwriting is neat and clear but definitely natural which is stupid because it makes it so much easier to catch them number 4: I know that handwriting,” she paused “don’t you?” she looked over at Satu he looked closer and then gasped “isn't that?” she nodded “Toronei’s handwriting” they both looked at each other
“does that make him the killer?” said Nate quietly
“mayb-“ she broke off mid sentence and froze her eyes were wide open but black at pitch.
Everything was black as if it was night time she was grinning at Toronei who was sat at a desk writing on a piece of paper.
Everything went light again “Kalea?! Kalea! What's wrong? You just stopped moving and your eyes went dark and you were grinning but it was a really evil grin” Nate was hopping around in front of her face
“that’s it! The murderer isn't Toronei someone took him, they know he works with us and that we would recognise his writing and no one else would, they would all jump to the conclusion this is the writing of our killer but actually our killer is making Toronei write these!” it was a very clever thing to do, almost as if the murderer was challenging them “we need to make our priority saving Toronei its obvious our killer will kill Toronei when they’re done with him although Toronei will probably have seen our killers face, so getting him alive is going to be hard but very important, if we get him alive he can tell us who this murderer is but as soon as the murderer realises we’re trying to get Toronei he’ll kill him straight away.” They all set about trying to plan out how to save Toronei, they didn’t realise that his fate had been sealed a long time ago.

Detective Novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Re-starting “It has been 5 months since we have seen another serial killer but yesterday in the city of Kaunto a family of three were found brutally mutilated in their three story Victorian home in Acorn Avenue, as we repor...

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Detective Novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Nate

It was pitch black now it had to past 9pm. Nate sat against a cold rock in the dark, he didn’t feel scared he felt betrayed how could they just walk off? Hillary and Nethal had grabbed all the things from the camp and run off into the darkness somewhere surely such a mothering person couldn’t leave a child alone in the dark cold woods without anything to keep them warm why couldn’t she just show him the way out, he felt tears welling up in his eyes, he wasn’t normally an emotional person but right now he just wanted someone to help him, that’s when he felt ice cold arms wrap around him, obviously the arms of the supernatural, but he didn’t care, he looked up and all his hatred for the supernatural vanished “its ok” she shushed “its all over now, your safe” he burst into tears and wrapped his arms and legs around Kalea he couldn’t be sure it was her, it was too dark to see anything but who else would be there helping him?
Nate woke up in a homey looking living room he hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He looked around him Kalea was sat on the sofa next to him talking quietly with a guy he hadn’t seen before this guy had black hair which obviously didn’t get brushed often so stuck out in all directions he had dark circles under his eyes and wore pink clothes like a giant care-bear or something Kalea looked over at Nate and smiled “good morning” she said grinning “I need to ask you two questions, don’t worry its nothing abut Mink or anything” she smiled kindly “ok number one: how old are you?” Nate looked at her “I'm 7” he said quietly she smiled
“7’s a magical number” she said laughing “anyway number two: what happened to your parents?” she paused “wait no, its obvious what happened to them, do you have any close family to live with? An aunt or uncle? I'm sure a children’s home is a last resort but if you haven’t got any close family then…” she looked slightly shy “you could live with us” she looked over at Satu he nodded “its fine by me” she smiled the sort of smile that made you want to say anything you can to make her smile like that forever “I don’t have any other family only my uncle but he doesn’t like me very much” Kalea just smiled “don’t worry if you agree you can live with us its fine with both Satu and me” it was all agreed, Nate would live with Kalea and Satu who would be his illegal guardians because they hadn’t filled out any forms but Kalea was good at bending the laws it turned out she knew a lot of people, it seemed like life couldn’t get better Satu had solved a case and now had a beautiful girl living with him along with a child lots of people could only dream of, Kalea now had the dream family and wasn’t being attacked by obsessed vampires and Nate had somewhere to call home and one caring parent and a very spaced out parent he was now a very happy child he didn’t even have to go to school Satu had told Kalea that school would be good she agreed but said she couldn’t be bothered to fill out the papers she was having a lazy day Satu pointed out the fact that you don’t have to fill out papers to join a school and she just looked at him.