188 days

I was going through a few internet websites and I came across this article which I found interesting, note that I am not the person who discovered this, so no special credits to if this prediction does come to pass. Nor that I’m claiming that something will happen ;)
As we all know, the earth is currently shaking, a few scientist say the cause of all these sudden release of energy is a special comet or star called as Elenin, or dwarf star.
When Elenin was above the sun and aligned with the earth, certain earthquakes with great magnitude took place. The first was Chile to get it, On February 27th 2010 a magnitude of 8.8 shook the place down.
The second alignment of the three happened on the 4th of September 2010, in other words 188 days later, another huge 7.0 earthquake hit Christchurch. Let’s at this point that this is happened twice in the Ring of fire.
No it didn’t stop here, when Elenin, the sun and earth aligned again on March 11th 188 days later we all saw what happened to Japan when it was hit by a mighty 9.0
Now all of the above earthquakes happened when Elenin was above the sun when they aligned, now Elenin is going to align again, but this time it’s going to be in between the earth and the sun. Moreover 188 after the Japanese earthquake is tomorrow or 15th September 2011.
So all I can conclude with this article is that on the 15th tomorrow there may be some kind of remember able earthquake in the ring of fire. What I can say at this point is “Time will tell!”
Be careful! ちゅうい ください!
Picture of Eleinin Below
