Maybe my brain is the only one stuck in my head?

This is stupid. I am at a party. Sounds nice right? Not so here cause I'm in the middle of a storm. Wouldn't if I had either a) a driver's lisence(which I don't) or b) if my mom would listen to me(which is never in this kinds of situations). Let me show you what I had to deal with. I'm at my mephew's party in a park with a lake nearby and under a METAL roof gazebo thing. Late in the party I hear thunder but no rain and no dark clouds. I tell my mom "let's go there is a storm comming." She says no let's wait for the party to end. I tel her again I estimate half an hour later. She says the same thing. Now here I am waiting out a lightning storm now in a car(i am not going to be under a metal roof with metal benches to sit on. I blame her. She thinks I am crazy cause i'm mad at her. I'm mad cause I think I am the only person within 65 square kilometers with a fuctioning brain in my head cause when I hear thunder I don't think "stay here and party" I think "get out of here and head somewhere safe and not nude a metal roof". You see in my mind when I hear thunder I think of it as nature/the earth/god/satan/what ever other deity or supernatural power saying "get the fuck out of here if you want to live". I want to live and my mom wants to live and she think's I am crazy. Bullshit.
Edit:I am now home safe and sound thank Christ but still bullshit. Utter bullshit. And she says I "embarrassed her" sarcasm cause I was pacing around. Clearly not realizing we were under a metal roof which could if it got zapped travel down to a nearby metal bench a fry us plus we were "partying" not me cause I'm a rational person in an irrational world. And storms killed more people than most wars and such save for disease and other humans and religion. Of course I'm gonna be pacing I'm stressed cause I could die in the next minute if a lightning bolt goes off close enough. The flash alone could blind me.
