The forest of old has been destroyed however It has been reborn hail to the forest made anew.
This world is pretty much has no concrete purpose and well I might have one later but until then SPARTA!!!


*invert the captain falcon anime galaxy destroying falcon punch scene here with "tag punch!" instead of "falcon paunch!"*
I tag 4 people.
Keba Si Rota
Hana Ishida
Rules of tag.
Always post rules
Answer questions and make 11 new ones
Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them.

1.Favored jojo's bizarre adventure power sendo/hamon/the ripple(all one thing but has multiple names) or the stand?
2.look up the great heart attacks(GHAs) from jojo's bizarre adventure all stars and tell me which is your favorite. YouTube is the easiest I find.
3.part 3 dio or part 1 dio?
What would be the power you would not have above all others.
4.why is there an angry mewtwo behind you?
5.meem or *in emperor palpetine's voice*UNLIMITED PANCAKES!
6.wood shield or jewel satellite?
7.are you angry at capcom?
8.poke on relish are you excited for it? you play tf2? you even watch jojo's bizarre adventure. The new anime I mean.
11.naruto,jojo,one piece, bleach which has the most creative powers in your opinion?

....double tagged nuff said.

i was tagged by both thedarkeclipse and kita mikichi
anyways rule #1 is post the rules
rule numero dos is answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post,then make 11 new questions.
rule thr33 is tag 11 people and leave a link to the post
4.let them know you tagged them.
anyways first things first the questions i am now answering

kita mikichi's questions
1. What's your favorite type of music?
i don't really know but i like rock and a bit of dance a hate but at the same time rancheros(rAnK-arow)
2. What's your favorite genre in movies, anime, TV and/or books?
don't know i like the action-ish genre but i also like a anime that is also kinda sedate.
3. Name a video/computer game in your library.
kingdom hearts 2
4. Now name your favorite non-electronic game.
haven't played it in a while cause i don't have a game board of it but i like monopoly.
5. Who's your theOtaku buddy? Give 'em a shout-out! :D
thedarkeclipse without him i wouldn't be here.
6. Share a special memory?
when i was a few years old i went to El Salvador and it was awesome.
7. Name the last thing you and a friend or family member did for fun.
played burnout 3 with my cousin.
8. Got any siblings?
two sisters
9. Got any pets?
used to have a beagle but he was a bit too much to hand so we sent him to live with other family members.
10. How's the weather in your area right now?
meh average.
11. Did you thank someone you appreciate today?

thedarkeclipse's questions
1. What time of day were you born?
i don't know i think it was night
2. What is your astrological sign?
leo i am a loin*paramount pictures lion roars in the background*whered that come from?0.o
3. How many people have you talked to today?
not sure
4. Why?
i don't understand what you mean
5. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
bagel with scrambled eggs and cream cheese
6. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
7. Have you ever gone skydiving?
no kinda scared of hights.
8. When was the last time you've fallen?
not sure probably a few years ago.
9. When was the last time you got into a fight, and who won?
last school year against eclipse(long story)and i won i think not sure eclipse please remind me who won.
10. Have you ever broken a bone?
not sure.
11. Name the closest metal object to you (Other than your computer)
tooth brush(i keep it charged near the computer)

my questions
1.if you had to be transformed into dolphin,turned insane or turned into insane dolphin what would you be?
2.witch song is better this: or this?:
3.Favorite greek/roman god or goddess?
4.if you had to be ether be a immortal bitter god or a bitter not immortal pig what would you be?
5.regular fire or freezing fire what would it be? in latin america you wanna go to?
7.if you had to go another country but don't understand the launguage of the country what would it be? or storm how would you die?
9.ps3,xbox360,or wii which is better?
10.espada vs. organization XII who would win?
11.which verson of this song do ya like best?this one:,this one: or this:
i tag:
4.Zuzu Uchiha
5.yumei hearts u
8.Toyotami kun
10.Ellenor Mererid
11.Hikari the Wolf
