A fall and a find


"Dannyyy! Wake uup!" Lila moaned from the other side of his door. Danny sighed, he had been awake for a few hours already chatting with one of his friends on his laptop. "It's ten o'clock Lila, you really think I'm still asleep?" he called back to her, shutting his laptop and stashing it under his bed.

He rolled off his bed onto the floor, grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head. Opening his door, he smirked at his little sister then ran up the basement steps. Lila followed, complaining that she had been bored since she had woken up.

"Well you're going to be bored the rest of the morning too sis," he replied, sticking a piece of bread into the toaster and pushing it down. "I'm going out biking soon." Lila pouted, "You're no fun! You never play with me at all!"

Snatching the newly popped toast and a bottle of water Danny paused to look down at his sister, who was all clad in pink with her light brown hair in two curly pig-tails. "Why don't you call one of your friends over or something? They'd be a lot more fun to play pretend with than me." he told her, then took a bite of his toast and grabbed his phone, turning it on and sticking it in his pocket.

A few minutes later Danny was coasting down the long slow hill that made up the road he lived on. The wind blew his bright red hair back away from his face and made bottom of his vest flap out behind him like a cape. As he came to the bottom of the hill he turned off onto a mountain biking trail, instantly being enveloped by the shade from the trees.

Danny stopped and hopped off his bike, leaning it against a tree as he walked slowly to the edge of a small cliff. He had taken a few new turns and ended up somewhere he has never been before, the top of a waterfall that fell into a large hole. The bottom of the hole was visible, but the stream of water from the falls flowed into the shadow of the overhang.

After inspecting the sides of the hole carefully, and coming to the conclusion he could climb out when he had finished exploring, Danny stretched one of his legs down to a ledge he could see just below the rim. When he had nearly gotten his second foot onto the tiny ledge, it gave way. With a shout, Danny fell down the side of the hole, scraping his back and arms as he tried to slow his fall. He landed roughly on the leaf littered rock floor, the shock sending bursts of pain up his legs.

Slowly climbing to his feet, Danny made his way to the pool of clear water at the bottom of the waterfall and kneeled down on the edge of it, sticking his arms in up to his elbows. The water was freezing cold, but he kept his arms in, as it took away from the burning coming from the raw parts where his skin had been scraped away by the rocks.

He took his arms out once they started feeling numb from cold and carefully took off his vest and white shirt, noticing various splotches of red on the back. Crumpling the shirt into a ball, Danny got it partly wet in the water, then proceeded to try wash off his stinging back with the damp cloth. When he had finished, some of the shirt was a nice shade of pale red, and his back didn't sting as much as it had.

Standing up, Danny looked around the hole he had gotten himself into. From where he was, he could see the sky through the trees far above, and to his right, the stream flowing into darkness. I wonder where the stream leads to... he thought, gazing at the point that it vanished. Getting an idea, he fished his cellphone out of his pocket and turned it on flashlight, shining it into the darkness.

What it showed did not prove to be exceedingly exciting. It was simply a cave that led farther into the mountain, with the stream running through the middle. Danny quickly pulled his still slightly damp shirt on and slung his vest over his shoulders, making sure the bag of pretzels and mini water bottle were still in the pockets, then turned and with his phone held high, headed into the cave.

Most of his walk was uneventful, a few bats here and there, one little turtle, and lots of mushrooms. But at the very end of the cave, where the stream flowed into a small hole and disappeared, there was a large cavern. All around the perimeter of the cavern where spots of bright blue light that framed a moving scene.

Stunned, Danny inspected the scene closest to him. It showed a very fancy library room, and after moving to the side a bit, he caught a glimpse of light from a computer, and a ponytail of violet hair. Leaning in closer to the scene to try getting a better look at the computer screen, Danny unbalanced himself, and fell right into the frame of blue.

He landed on his stomach on the floor of the library. Immediately he stood up and checked that the little frame of blue light was there on that side, it was, and now it showed the interior of the cavern. Turning around, Danny quietly walked up to the person on the computer, noticing they happened to be on Chatsicle.

Maybe I know whoever this is, he thought, and stopped a few feet behind the person, his wet shirt clinging to him. Unsure of what to say, he stood there for a moment as the person sighed, and got up from the chair, stretched and turned around. His blue eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but Danny spoke first, "Hi, I'm sorry I just sort of fell through that hole in your wall over there and now I'm in...here."

The other boy closed his mouth and inspected Danny, who realized he must have looked horrid, with his wet and bloodstained shirt, scratched up arms and messy hair. "Who are you?" the other boy asked, he had a slight French accent. Danny smiled worriedly and answered, "I'm Danny Baker."

That prompted a look of disbelief, and the other boy's name. "I am Damian, or BlackSpirit, as I would be known to you." Danny blinked, BlackSpirit, one of the people he talked to the most over Chatsicle, in person. He was at a loss for words, but Damian had started talking again anyway.

"So how exactly did you get into my house? I thought you lived in America. And this room is locked." Damian stared at Danny, waiting for his answer. Knowing that anything he said would probably make no sense, it didn't make sense entirely to him, Danny decided to just tell it like it happened.

"Well I was out on a trail I hadn't been on before, biking, and I came across this big hole in the ground, that a little waterfall went into. I kind of fell in the hole but then there was a stream from the waterfall that went into this dark cave, and I followed the stream to this cavern that had a bunch of like...moving pictures I guess, framed by this bright blue light, and one was of this library. I leaned in to get a better look at it and I just fell right through!" he ended his account of what had happened, looking at Damian to see his reaction.

Damian stared back, unmoving. Then nodded, saying "Sure, whatever you say." Danny narrowed his eyes a little, "I'm not lying Damian, come and see for yourself!" he turned and walked back over to the frame of blue that showed the cavern on the wall. Damian followed, his arms crossed, and stopped next to Danny. "See, I came right through here!"

Stretching out one arm Damian placed his hand where the wall should have been, but there was nothing there, just the open hole to the cavern. He glanced at Danny out of the corner of his eye, who nodded, happy to have shown that he wasn't lying.

"Hey, do you mind if I get bandages or something? My back and arms are pretty scraped up." Danny said, as Damian shut down his laptop and prepared to leave. He looked up at the redhead, noticing the bright red marks all over the boy's forearms. "Yeah sure, just ask one of the maids or something." he said. Danny nodded and glanced over at the library door, then headed over to it, figuring out the lock and opening the large doors hesitantly.

He looked up and down the hall, spotting someone who must have been one of the maids, and slipped out the doors, closing them quietly. As the door clicked shut, the maid looked up and saw Danny. She jumped, surprised, and almost started away down the hall when Danny called out to her. "Oh no wait! I need your help!" he jogged up to the woman and smiled kindly, "I'm a friend of Damian's, but I got kind of beat up coming over here so I was wondering if you could show me where to get any sort of bandages or something." The maid stared at him nervously, then said "Come with me then" and hustled away with Danny following her.

So then he gets bandages for his arms and back and stuff because they're all bloody and whatnot and yeah
oh my gosh this post is long I'm so sorry D:
So um...Damian is the first to be "collected" I guess, the two of them will then either pick up Lesley or Bella, depending on which of you posts first! :D
