
Kaly has joined! Yay!!

Name: Isabella-Marie Westcott (Bella)

Age: 17

Gender: female

Race: human

Personality: smart, cocky, rebellious, funny, outgoing. Not shy. Confident.

Appearance: long brown hair. green eyes. Wears whatevers popular, but adds her own style to it.

External Image

Likes: fashion, music, friends, flirting, gum, shopping, writing.

Dislikes: school, soda, her sister, school uniforms.

Place of Origin: Earth, New York City.

Extra: Goes to private school. Lives with her parents and older sister. her parents are wealthy and have very high standards for their children. Bella defies her parents by wearing, saying and doing things that her parents don't deem "acceptable". her sister fits perfectly into her parent's mold and Bella hates her.
