Blue and Red Outfit


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Even though he canonically never wears them, I like drawing Noland in skirt outfits. I always draw him in the same thing, though.... pleated skirt... scarf... probably plaid somewhere...............
Yeah, whatever.

I wasn't planning on doing a limited color pallet thing when I was sketching this, but I ended up doing so in the end... Mixing colors is hard on SAI, for me, idk what I'm doing wrong. xD; I eventually figured out what to do, so it came out pretty decent in the end I suppose. Also tried using a smaller pen size for once, and it was actually a lot of fun.

I'm going to make a more official post sometime soon since the first Fashion Your World challenge just ended! ...a month ago SORRY I TAKE A WHILE TO JUDGE BAAHH. I'm not sure what the next challenge will be, so if you have a suggestion, let me know!! *u*b I also want to make some announcements (?) or something that can expand what kinds of posts you can make, so yeah.
Anyway, it's late and I'm not totally organized with how I'm thinking. Thanks for viewing!
