Conversation between a General and a 1st class SOLDIER

I know I'm getting off the He was like series a bit but I just got this idea to do this other thing that I'm putting up. This a series of conversations of random characters from games, mangas, and animes alike. So hope you all enjoy.oh and just in case you don't know who Seth is he's from the game Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

Seth: Good afternoon Sephiroth.

Sephiroth: Good afternoon Seth. How are you?

Seth: I’m well. Yourself?

Sephiroth: I’m doing all right. I just wish my partner wouldn’t be so lazy.

Seth: Who was your partner again? Genesis right?

Sephiroth: Yup. You know, he was never THIS lazy in the past.

Seth: But lazy none the less.

Sephiroth: Yeah. I don’t mind him always reading Loveless and reciting it over and over. At least he did his work then.

Seth: Well I’d rather have your partner. I’m stuck with Innes.

Sephiroth: What’s so bad about Innes? He’s a great tactician isn’t he?

Seth: Yeah, but………he’s so arrogant. Not a little but a lot. It’s not that I don’t like him. It’s just his character.

Sephiroth: Well………hmmm. You want to switch partners?

Seth: ………Sure!

Sephiroth: Ok. Tomorrow we shall report back with each other to see how it went with our new partners. Got it?

Seth: You got it!

-End Part 1
