Jack Skellington Was His Name

As I was walking one night in Halloween Town, the townspeople gathered in the center square. In all the excitement, I tried to see what was making them so happy.

"It's the end of Halloween!" shouted one ghoulish cyclops to another.

"We did it!" shouted a werewolf to his friend.

So that was what they were excited about! And then I heard someone say,"It's Jack Skellington! HAIL THE PUMPKIN KING!", and everyone jumped with joy as Jack lit himself on fire to show off his ghostly scaring skills. He was an absolute fright! But, as the excitement subsided, Jack looked terribly sad.

"What's wrong Jack?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing. I just wish I could have something different for a change. Every year it's always the same. The scaring, the screaming, the terror, the fright, and then being a thing that goes bump in the night, it all bores me. I want something exciting and new. Oh, I just don't know what to do!" Jack replied wearily.

And lonely I saw him next, on a hill. That downcast skelleton. All alone and forelorn, as if his life would never be complete. That poor skelleton man, I wished I could help. But none of my attempts seemed to cheer him up! I tried juggling, I tried dancing, I even stood on my head, but all to no avail. That poor Jack, Skellington Jack, would not acknowledge my attempts.

And then to my wondering eyes, I woke up. It was all a dream. But now and then, I still think of that Skelleton Man. Jack Skellington was his name. That lonely skelleton man. It made me sad to see him that way. And every now and then, I still wish I could help him. But, deep in my heart, I know that there's nothing I could do. And so ends my tail, of the skelleton man, and his lonely gaze, the skelleton man who I wish I could help, but can't.
