
We all have issues in this world. We all need friends to love and share things with. And that's the problem with this world. Now a days, no one will hesitate to leave a person alone. If we see someone sitting alone at lunch, or someone who looks on the verge of tears, we leave them alone. What we need to do instead of that situation is help them. Lend them your shoulder to cry on, ask them to join you to lunch. Do something to help others, and others will do the same to you. If you show compassion and kindness to those in need, others will see your kind works, and they will respect you for it! You can earn a lot of respect by just being there for someone! Suicide should never be an option! And neither should murder! So before a poor soul is led to one of those options, please, show them kindness. Show them that they aren't alone in this world. Save their lives, before it's too late. Please, save them....
