Chapter 3

>>>Narumi's POV>>>

Sitting against the tree, I stared off into the distance. Imagining that I was back home sitting on the beach. I missed the sensation of sand between my toes and the smell of the ocean that filled my nose. But, when I put my hand back to lean on it, the feeling of the grass brought me back to where I really was.

I was sitting on the training grounds in the Leaf Village. I had just finished training by myself because I still wasn't nearly as good as I should be. But, I blamed my parents for that since they banned me from even being a ninja. But, I felt that I could put my skills to good use.

I got up and walked to the water's edge. The little lake was probably the most soothing thing here. Sitting right on the bank, I worked on my water jutsu's silently.

I was just getting into one of my moves, one where I form a stream of water in the air, and I can whip people with it, the Water Whip Jutsu, when I sensed someone approaching. It wasn't Kakashi, this person was smaller, and it wasn't any of my teammates, this person was bigger.

"Hey, Matsu," I said, turning my head to smile at him.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked, shock in his voice, as he came to sit next to me.

I shrugged. "When you have been blind as long as I have, you just know these things. I can tell a person's build from the way they walk. Everyone has some sort of a tell for me to know who it is."

"What's my tell?" he asked.

"You always walk as though you have this big burden on your shoulders, and you tend to favor your right leg a little. I'm guessing an accident from about a year ago," I stated.

He was truly taken aback. "Wow, I still don't get how you know all that. You're right, though. About a year ago I broke my leg in four places. It's still healing."

I smiled, glad that I had impressed him.

"So, can I ask how you became blind? Or is that too personal?" he asked.

I hesitated, but continued, "When I was five, my parents took me to our family friends home up in the mountains. My parents had been stellar ninja back in the day, and one ninja- I'm guessing from their past- shows up and decides that they want to fight. There is this big battle, and I wanted to help them. As I rush out onto the battlefield, I am intercepted by one of the ninja and held hostage. They place this Jutsu on me that is supposed to allow them to see things through my eyes, and they were able to control my body. I think they wanted to use me to get close to my family and make me kill them. But, my parents knew what was going on and used a jutsu to break the Jutsu's hold over me. In the process, it left me blind."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he told me.

I shrugged, "Don't be. And besides, it was a long time ago."

>>>Matsu's POV>>>

Making my way home, I thought back to everything Narumi and I had talked about. I couldn't believe how she had become blind. The poor girl. No wonder her parents banned her from being a ninja.

I shook my head, I had to focus on why I was here and the job I had to do. I had already talked to the Hokage and was put on the team with Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji. A team I was confident I could handle cooperating with. I wasn't usually a team player; I had always been taught to do things my own way, that if you wanted something done right, you have to do it yourself.

The plan was in motion; she already trusted me. So that part was done. Now, for the hard part. Getting even closer.

*I know it's short. But I'm pressed for time. Please comment!
