Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Meetings
>>>Matsu’s POV>>>

“I have it all set up. The plan is ready to be set in motion. You know what you have to do, Matsu,” my Lord told me. His face was bathed in shadow, so all I could see was his piercing yellow eyes.

I nodded, “Yes, my lord. I know what it is that I have to do. You can count on me.”

“Excellent. Head out, and tell the others we are going,” he told me.

I nodded again and got up. The plan was in motion. It wouldn’t be long before I met the Princess of the Ocean Village.

>>>Narumi’s POV>>>

After Shizune left, I could sense the others staring at me. I hated being the new kid, but it was the price I was willing to pay to be able to train with the best. I had heard stories of Kakashi Hatake, the copy-cat ninja. It was truly an honor to work with him. And Sasuke was an Uchiha. The name alone suggested his prowess. Sakura Haruno, I knew, possesses great intellect. And Naruto, he’s got a lot of heart, but not so much talent. But, for some reason, I got the feeling that there was something much greater in store for him.

I was told we were going to spar. They all just wanted to see what I was able to do. Which was fine by me. I could show them how great a ninja I really am. I took a fighting stance. Suddenly, I sensed someone coming towards me at a rapidly fast pace.

I stopped and turned to the runner, but he didn’t slow down. I tilted my head to get a better reading on his movements. He seemed to be coming right at me. At the last moment, I used a teleportation Jutsu and moved out of the way. I reappeared behind Kakashi. No one moved, all scared of what was about to unfold.

But, another ANBU used a teleportation Jutsu and tackled me to the ground. Using a few Jutsu’s I freed myself and started running for the trees, but another one got me. One of my many talents was my immense strength. I was able to throw him off of me before I tore through the trees, dodging the shrubbery. I usually didn’t run this fast, especially in this kind of terrain. I was used to the Ocean Village terrain where everything was smooth.

The forest was filled with holes and hills. I fell down most of the slopes and cut myself on the way. Great, the ANBU were going to be able to track me via my blood. I couldn’t slow down, however, or I was as good as dead, though I knew not why they were after me.

I sensed one getting closer, and I could hear the movement of his clothes. He was throwing a kunei at me. I fell at the opportune moment and rolled down the side of a huge hill. I fell flat on my back. I could feel someone coming from in front of me, and I could barely make out someone coming from my right.

The ANBU was coming fast, and I decided to just surrender. I put my hands up, but I think he mistakenly though I was going to do some handsigns because he threw some shuriken at me, but I wasn’t going to be able to dodge them. I waited for the pain of impact, but it never came. The other figure I had sensed was standing in front of me, and I sensed that he was only able to catch four of the five that were thrown. One had caught his thigh.

“Are you with her?” the ANBU demanded.

“No, but I saw the whole thing, how you attacked her out of no where. What is your purpose?” the boy asked.

“I was told she was a spy, and the orders are to-”

“Bring them in for questioning? Sorry, but I don’t think you went about it the right way,” the kid said, tossing the throwing stars back to him. She isn’t a spy. The person you talked to was just some rag tag punk trying to be funny. Now, I suggest you leave before I talk to the Hokage about this.”

The ANBU didn’t say a word, but I sensed him leave.

“Wow, thanks for the help,” I said as I reached out for him to help me up. HE grabbed my forearm and helped me to my feet.

“No problem,” he shrugged. “I saw the whole thing and couldn’t let it go. I mean, that was uncalled for.”

“Well, I greatly appreciate it. I’m Narumi, by the way,” I held out my hand.

“Matsu,” he replied, shaking my hand.

“You want to come back and help me explain to everyone what happened?” I asked.

He nodded, “Sure,” he chuckled. I led the way back and we talked about our different fighting moves. A friendship started to form. He was a really cool guy, and I enjoyed talking to him. He seemed like a really good person.

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