Sorry Bel, Im Swapping you (IM NOT REALLY!) Combo Story

Fran: "Cats and Dogs Home? Why are we here?" Bel was looking confused
"Why'd you think?" Fran had been acting weird lately "I'm trading in my Pet for a new one" he crouched down infront of a cage with a in it "Nice Neko-Chan" he cooed he turned around to face Bel who he had trained to sit on the ground everytime he stopped walking "i dont need you anymore and you too badly behaved, you keep killing me your a liability, if it wasnt for my illusions by now i would be a human cactus so im going to find a cat it should be called.... Lambo! wait no thats terrible Bel you pick one, it'll be swapping with you so pick a comfy looking cage" Bel Snarled "Bad Senpai" Fran Scolded
