Rock Bottom and Going Deeper -__-

I am having the worst week of my life. I hate my job, I failed a class, my room's is a mess, my sister hates me, and my parent want to send me to Ecuador for the summer and miss AX.

The summer was going to be a break for me but my life is falling apart. For the first time in my life I can't control anything. And whats worst my only support my sister (Arch) hates me because I told her moving to Italy was a bad idea and she should stay home. I don't know what to do.

I failed my first class ever big fat F in marcoeconomics worst part is economic is my major. My parents are telling me to stay at our family house in Ecuador over the summer to get a hold on my life but if I go I will not be able to go to Anime-Expo were it could be my only time to meet Batou. I can't do that. Maybe I do need a break from my life.
