Diary of Elvira 3

Hehehe. Well I found A pool but I have no idea what it is doing in the lab..... Oh wait.... I get it now!
Honestly I have been pretty quiet lately (besides my ranting about the Claymore...)
I had a few minutes to spare before I went on a mission with some weird finder and a guy named Kanda, so I decided to visit the training room to slash open a few walls made of solid concrete. It was pretty easy now that the Innocence was fused in with my lovely sword.
I saw Elizabeth and decided, well I actually talked to her once... why not smile and wave! I looked over at her and when she saw me she gave me this look and I just laughed and acted like I did nothing wrong.
Then I went on the mission with Kanda.
He was rude, straight forward, and only did what the mission required, nothing else (sorta like me with the homework Teacher gave me.
Honestly I found him to be a pretty ok guy.
We came across a group of Allen Walker, a random finder, Lavi, and Bookman.
Lavi started to gain more interest in me and when I could respond fast enough he started to poke me...
Finally I gave in and we started a conversation (ignoring the fight between Yu and Beansprout)(now I have names!)
It was pretty fun. We came "home" together too.

Such a shame though.
To lose such great people in your life only because of something that was not meant to be done...


Elvira Garcia
