If Only

Gah! So sorry it took so long to put my post up! Been cray-cray!


I wondered why Erela wouldn't like BrokenTear if he basically lets everyone do whatever they wanted. Except leave. How long would I be here before the not leaving would seem like a prison rather than a sanctuary?

I thought about what I knew of BrokenTear. I had only met him once. And briefly. "You know, I don't even really know BrokenTear. Does everyone pretty much do their own thing here? Might you never run into each other if that was what you wanted?" I asked.

Ethan nodded. "The who grounds is all of our homes. If you never wanted to leave your rooms, that is your choice and no one is going to stop you. And it is fairly large, so I have gone a few days just roaming several rooms before running into anyone else."

I nodded my head, taking what he said into consideration. I usually hated being trapped in one place for too long. I loved traveling and moving about. Thankfully this place was big enough where it would take me awhile to explore before I'd grow bored of it.Then again, maybe I'd never grow bored of it so long as I was with Ethan.

"Do you ever miss the outside? You know, being able to travel and seeing new places?" I asked Ethan, resting my head on his shoulders as he wound his arm around me. "If we had met on the outside, I would have taken you to so many different places and shown you wondrous sites and beautiful cities. I have a condo in almost all of my favorite cities. Which are now going to get awfully dirty since I don't have anyone cleaning them for me."

The thought of all my beautiful furniture dusty and rusting made me sick to my stomach. I had worked so hard to acquire the condos.But if I never got to leave this place, I guess it wouldn't really matter. No one would know where to find me either. I'd probably be better off that way.

Sorry it's so short!
