A world where I can put random stuff. Maybe some rants. Who knows with me..

Name: Alison

Nick Names: Ali, Essence, Ess, Wolf girl, Ali-cat (you can call me Ess or Essance here)


Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: brown

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, taking photos

Likes: Wolves, The moon , Reading, Nature, Writing, Turtles, Angels, Knights, The night (I'm a night owl), Black and white photography, Music, Rain, Fall,

Dislikes: Annoying people, Hot weather (I rather have it cold), Pain,

Animals: Got a pit bull/lab mix named Ashe

Favorite animal: Wolf and dogs

Favorite food: I'm not that picky so I'll eat almost anything

Favorite color: Blue and green

Favorite author: Book wise it's between Darren Shan and James Patterson

First Manga: Chibi Vampire

First Anime: I think it was Naruto

Places you can find me

Devianart: iamEssence


New rp (Edit)

So I made a new rp called Demon Hunters. Here is pretty much the intro In a small town somewhere in the U.S people started to go missing slowly. Soon almost the whole town was gone. The go...

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I'm back and a update.

I'm back and alive! 10 days of camping in the mountains is always fun. I didn't do much drawing, only one picture which I hope to get up soon. Though my camera is still not working and idk when I will be able to use my moms. So look foreword to th...

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I'll be leaving tomorrow to go on vacation for ten days. So today will be the last full day I'm going to be on. I wont have any Internet till I get home the 26th so I hope I don't miss to much. I might be on the day I come back depending on how ti...

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I love what my friends come up with when I ask them what they want me to draw them for their birthday. My one friend wants me to draw her a camicorn..Which is a camel, and a unicorn... Yeah my friends are weird but I love them. Then my other one w...

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Is it just me or does something always have to happen when I have a due date for one of my artworks...Like really. I have a B-day gift I have due tomorrow and my sharpie decided to die on me. Thankfully I have another one but really it does seem l...

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