A world where I can put random stuff. Maybe some rants. Who knows with me..

Name: Alison

Nick Names: Ali, Essence, Ess, Wolf girl, Ali-cat (you can call me Ess or Essance here)


Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: brown

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, taking photos

Likes: Wolves, The moon , Reading, Nature, Writing, Turtles, Angels, Knights, The night (I'm a night owl), Black and white photography, Music, Rain, Fall,

Dislikes: Annoying people, Hot weather (I rather have it cold), Pain,

Animals: Got a pit bull/lab mix named Ashe

Favorite animal: Wolf and dogs

Favorite food: I'm not that picky so I'll eat almost anything

Favorite color: Blue and green

Favorite author: Book wise it's between Darren Shan and James Patterson

First Manga: Chibi Vampire

First Anime: I think it was Naruto

Places you can find me

Devianart: iamEssence


Secret Santa Wish List

I'm part of the whole fan art secret santa . Soo here is my wish list. Wish list Anime/manga characters...

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Horror movies annoy me so

I love scary movies and all, but once I get pass the scariness I start ranting at how stupid the people are. I mean, why go towered the noise or why poke the dead body. I mean come on common sense people. This is why I love my friends, because the...

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Stolen from toyotami kun. Tough in a way it's not stealing since they tagged... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES:...

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Some people

People are really starting to annoy me. This is going to be a quick rant. Anyway so I was sitting in one of my classes and we had free time so I decided to sketch. So I started to sketch and this one kid came up behind me and started criticizing me about what I was sketching. I was in an already bad mood from earlier that day, but anyway so I turned around and pretty much said ' you can criticize me when you show me your work is better.' By then I picked up my stuff and walked out the class room because it was time to go, thankfully. Anyway people just annoy me with such nerve. I mean I don't mine people criticizing my work, but if it's going to be rude and not be useful keep it to your self. Sigh... Well I'm off to go finish that sketch that's apparently horrible...

Would love to have more people

Hi all. I know I've talked about my RP world called Demon Hunters. And I got to members which made me happy. But one of the randomly disappeared lately and I'm sad but it shall go on! Anyway I was wondering if anyone would like to join. It just started so it's no that far in. Soooo Link. Please go check it out, the plot isn't that hard. Thanks ^^