Your Eternal Ruler has finally awoken...
Your souls will tremble before my wake...

...ehhh, maybe later.
Needs mah coffee and bamboo.

Deed of Deeds.

I present, an evil haiku...

Chicken to a vegetarian...

her eye's widened, "WHAT!?"...

Projectile waterfall...

Deed o' the Day.

Hears my evil deed for the day, well, from yesterday...

Allowed my roommate to drink the rest of my beer while full well knowing that there was cigarette ash in it. Her face was priceless... *Heheheheheh*

A New Decree...

I was looking over this zany world and I've come to a decision... That being that I shall instead of posting crazy and utterly stupid posts that make absolutely no sense I shall post a deed that I have done or deeds and they won't be deeds of good will, but deeds of a douche. *cackles*

So, I name my deed that I have done today....

My roommates li'l kitty that she just got from her parents was just begging me for my awesome sandwich that I made. Just a pepperjack, tomato, lettuce, turkey but I make it awesome and so I dropped a small piece of turkey and cheese and she went to town on it. After she was done I watched her for a good few minutes just like licking her lips and oh man, it was so funny.

So, there it is my evil deed for this day. Heheheheh.... >:D

Turkeys! Rebel!!

Turkeys are evil creatures with a thirst for blood...
What type of blood you ask?
HUMAN blood. They sit there quietly accepting their fate knowing in due time...
They. Will. Strike.

Of course, yours truly will thwart their gobbly plan...
They are not the only ones with a thirst... *_*

My Evilness

A truly evil pic... heheheheheheheh...