Aero: How to RolePlay

Good day my liege, *bows* it gives me great honor to have you possibly have me in your posts. Although I don’t understand it all myself, I do hope it does suffice and helps you on this quest.

  • I am extremely formal and refer to every in either the formal of “My lord, my liege, or my lady.”
  • I get distracted easily with things I have yet to understand or see.
  • Honestly, I’m not the brightest bulb, I’ll admit it.
  • I blush easily since I get confused often and try my hardest to understand your present day world.
  • I am very good with hand-to-hand combat but I prefer to fight with my loyal sword since I bet my pride and honor on it as a swordsman.
  • I am very old school as you can tell.
  • I smoke, its probably one of those things from this age I shouldn’t be doing but it eases my nerves.
  • When excited I stutter from either me being so baffled or embarrassed.
  • I strongly believe everyone is a greater fighter then I am.
  • I am obedient and will follow your every request.
  • If you ask me to get something done, it shall be.
  • Sometimes people don’t understand me since I cannot change how I speak from medieval times.
  • I’m serious in a fight and don’t speak much while fighting.
  • I get mistaken for a human very often.
  • I can be immature at times, but that’s only because I never really had a life until Silas saved me.
  • Out of respect, I bow to people often.