Aero's Relationship Chart

Nyarth: Has not met

Lux: Has not met

Xio: Has not met

Krory: Has not met

Shupple: Has not met

Tanner: Has not met

Estelle: Has not met

Delin: Has not met

Haxlia: Has not met

Kiki:Has not met

Maura: Has not met

Raimundo: Has not met

Mist: Has not met

Chandacy: Has not met

Kiiro: Has not met

Ewan: Has not met

Hideki: Has not met

Lupe: Has not met

Fiona: Has not met

Gyen: Has not met

Clair: Has not met

Silas: Was saved by him over 10 years ago and became best friends. They share a brotherly bond and have got each others back no matter what. They work together and support one another in times of need.

Pelliccia: Has heard of her through the television but has never actually met her.
