The Fallen

Once there was a curious angel named Isabella. She loved to fly down to the border of
Heaven and earth to look at all the human’s walking around. She seen many handsome
men and often dreamt of what it would be like to be human. One day she flew too close
to the border and got sucked into the other realm. She was playing with one of her friend’s
when this happened so as soon as she fell into the other world friend flew straight to the
leader. But unfortunately he could do nothing about it. As Isabella fell closer and closer
to the earth her wing’s began to burn and wither into a black as dark as pitch. She became
one of the fallen. When her body landed she felt the cold ness seep into her wing’s. Her
wight gown was now as black as her wing’s and it was shortened with the fire that burned
it. Her heart was racing in her chest as she stood up. All around her was with flakes of
coldness. She put her hand out and touched a near by tree. She jumped back when it
suddenly withered and died from her touch. She soon became frantic. Her heart betted faster
and faster until she seen something move in the trees. She became curious and forgot about
everything else. Her steady foot step’s were heard by non as she maid her way to the bunch
of human males that were huddled around a huge fire. She closed her eye’s and pictured
herself without wing’s and her burnt wing’s retracted inter her back. She took a deep breath
and began walking forward unaware of the danger she was in.