Hey! Welcome to my refurbished everything-goes world!

Before, I was just posting life updates and the like, but now, I'll also be posting fic-related stuff, in an effort to be more active on theO. Some will involve cross-posting from my ao3.

My tags, beginning August 2018:
Life update

Fics will also be tagged by title!

in a fascinating reversal of perspectives

i had to call the RM on duty last night because my roommate keeps disrespecting my boundaries and breaking our roommate agreement contract, as she never asked me if i was cool with her girlfriend being over all the time. so, i talked to housing an...

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wow okay so

woke up at like 1am to my roommate having sex in the bed next to me. her visitor was still there when i woke up. robin and i slept on opposite ends of the couch after calling the RA on duty, who checked the room (like 3 or 5 minutes after she first knocked, which is plenty of time to hide a person if you need to hide one because they're the opposite gender) and as a result im operating on ~4 hours of sleep. thank God i only have one class today.

...for the record, last night was the first night she and i both slept on campus. we both moved in tuesday, she boondocksed off to idk where and came back yesterday.

she never told me/asked me about how i'd feel if she did that, so, yanno, we've got big issues on day 3. not a good sign. and robin's roommate is still being a pain in the butt.

oh, did i mention they're friends?

roommates, sophomore year edition

crossing my fingers things will quiet down after tonight, since classes begin tomorrow. anxiety has been through the roof (!) and robin's roommate intimidates me slightly (a lot) my roommate and i have equal respect for each other's half of...

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I kind of wish we got those automated PMs for that but hey, what can ya do

sooooo I'll be doing something artsy for my 5 year anniversary on here... half a decade spent on theO and i have to celebrate it somehow. maybe do a draw it again thingie for my first submission *shudders*

so yeah *throws confetti* happy anniversary to me i guess


I'm officially addicted to listening to the Boku No Hero Academia OST over and over. I think it actually helped me get out of my funk from yesterday. Nothing screams motivation like excellent guitar riffs and soothing orchestral lamentations.

My top two songs are "You Say Run" and "My Hero Academia," the first and last songs on the album. They always made me hyped when they were in the background of an episode.