True Self

Naruto grunted in annoyance as his sensei staggered and weaved in front of him. For what seemed like the hundredth time that month Jiriaya had gotten drunk instead of training Naruto like he had said the whole trip was for. Tonight he was so intoxicated that he was barely upright, swaying dangerously with each step but Naruto was to pissed off at him to try and help.

The pair was within a block of the hotel where they were staying when Jiriaya suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. It was so abrupt that Naruto had to backpedal quickly in order to not run into him. Unexpectedly Jiriaya turned around and stared Naruto in eyes, oddly bright and attentive for someone as drunk as he. He looked like he had just figured out the answer to life.

Exasperated and expecting it to be one of his stupid, drunk ideas Naruto testily asked, “What do you want, Ero-sennin?”

Slowly Jiriaya lowered himself so he was level with Naruto’s face. “Why do you act so stupid all the time?” Naruto could only stare in shock as he continued. “We both know that what most people see from you is just a front and you are really much stronger than they think. I have seen what you can really do, is it really worth it to limit yourself to keep up your image of a dumb kid? You really should be yourself more often.”

“Nani?!” Naruto gasped – Jiriaya was never this serious when he was drunk! Why would he now of all times to discuss Naruto’s acting?

Without warning Jiriaya started grabbing at the air, giggling. “The butterflies are everywhere! I have to catch one – they’ll give me good luck with woman.” He told Naruto knowingly.

That was the last straw for Naruto. Without any remorse he bashed Jiriaya up side the head, knocking him cold on the ground. He stared at his prone sensei and plotted what he would do with him know to get back for being so idiotic. “Well,” he muttered as he began pulling Jiriaya along, “you wanted me to show my true self.”
