Moonshine7's Tag

Okay, thanks a lot Cofie. Like I needed another thing on which to waste my time. Anyway. Here it goes.

1)post these rules
2)each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves
3)tags should write a journal/blog of these facts
4)at the end of these post 8 more ppl r tagged and named
5)to tag go to another persons page and tell them there taged

The 8 Random Facts About Callie:
1) I am afraid of amphibians (ALL of them) and reptiles (except snakes and turtles).
2) My personal laptop computer is named Steve.
3) When I have an idea for a story, I say the plot outline out loud to myself, not matter how long it may take.
4) I can't sing at all.
5) I have three sisters and one brother.
6) I am currently on a diet.
7) I don't have my driver's license (I'm 18).
8) I speak French (first year stuff, anyway. ^^').

...I HAVE to tag people? I can't think right now. Next post will have the 8 tagged peeps.
