1st Dragon Egg(Monster Hunter PS2)

There are two ways to do your first dragon egg egg request. One way involves taking alittle time. What you have to do is throw a Paintball at the dragon and then wait it out in the area outside it. You need to keep an eye on your minimap and wait until the dragon goes to another area. Once it does, head to the dragons cave RIGHT AFTER the dragon leaves the area. The other way is a high-risk, high benefit move. What you do is try to remain hidden at the fork near the dragon. Try your best to stay out of sight, and when the dragon has its head turned away from the cave, try to make your way to the side of a fork so you can run to the cave. Here is the risk: The dragon will notice you if you stay by the fork, even if you are hidden. Should the eye icon appear by your name, RUN. If you are good enough, you can make it to the cave before it has a chance to launch a fireball at you. For the people who don't want their rear-ends fried while running, use the Flash-Bomb from the supplies chest. If you can get it right, you can blind the dragon and make it to the cave. In the cave, there are 3 Veliciprey. Kill them. There is also a mining crack in the wall, so if you have any pickaxe, mine it. You can get some very valuble materials from this to upgrade your weapons. Once you find the nest, eat some Rations, Raw Steak, or Well-Done Steak(Don't take your chances with Burnt Meat, you need your stamina). Once your stamina is maxed out, get an egg and get out of there. Outside the cave, take the small jump to your left and run from the bug. Any damage at all or a high jump will cause you to break the egg. Whenyou make it to the area with the Velociprey, run like mad. Thedragon hangs out in this area when it hunts, so get out of there as fast as you can, avoiding the Velociprey and keeping your stamina from running out completely. When you make it outside the camp, you're home free. If you broke the egg on your way back, you might as well restart your system or give up the mission. The dragon will be back in it's cave watching over the nest. Don't go in unless you feel like losing 1/3 of your pay to restart the mission. Just don't break the egg and you'll do fine!
