Livestream Some Art Tomorrow...?

Yeah! My new scanner! It is finally in! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

OK, now onto business. I'm in debate on livestreaming some anime/manga style artwork. In general, set it up so you can see me add the finishing touches and colors to my drawings on a computer, and the viewers can point out any flaws or problems. I've actually done this several times, but my streams are normally a ghost town. So, I figured I'd ask before I do a stream. There will be music, and I plan on featuring 1 Bleach, 1 Pokemon, 1 Shin Megami Tensei, and MAYBE a free request with my drawing tablet if I'm in the mood, right on the spot. (Warning: I will ask a trivia question about a random anime/manga if I do the request to determine who gets it, and If I do draw with the tablet, it might not be very good... >.>')

In any case, if you are interested, then I'll post up a link to my channel tomorrow before the stream, if a few people are interested. However, if no one is interested, then I will finish them up normally with streaming them and post them up when finished. I appreciate your opinions on this, and feel free to be honest with me about it, alright?
