ch.2 new home! happy!

yugi practically ripped the car door open,unbuckled my seat belt and jerked me out while grampa was getting my luggage

*he rushed to the door* kuruyami:"y-yugi,don't pull so hard" *he ignored me and waited for grandfather to open the door
* *he ran me down the back of the store and stopped at two doors across each other* *he opened the door on the left*
"kuruya-nyan! this is your room!" *grandpa walked down the hall and set down my luggage*
"here you go. I imagine yugi is exited to have you around."
kuruyami; "thank you."
grandpa:your welcome *I smiled at him and he smiled back* "well,kuruyami I've got to go see what yugi is doing.....make sure he isn't getting into trouble."

kuruyami:"alright grandfather,while your doing that i'll unpack" grandfather: that is a good the way me and yugi put your school uniform in you dresser

kuruyami:thank you grandfather: your welcome
*he walked back into the hall and I walked into the new room* kuruyami:" wow....they got everything all ready for me" *I rolled my luggage into the middle of the room and started to unpack*
