adopted to be continued...

*the boy grabbed my hand* *he ran me over to a car*
kuruyami:"huh-?" "by the way kuruya-nyan you can call me yugi or yugi-onii-san,whichever works more" kuruyami;a-alright mr.yu-I mean y-yugi" "awwwwww....too cute" yugi murmured kuruyami:say-wha? GAH! n-nothing sempai yugi said blushing furiously kuruyami;" kinda remind me of a baby panda." d-do I?
"well that's enough of that."said yugi suddenly * walked over and unlocked the car* "alright kids let's go home" *yugi opened the door for me* kuruyami: "t-thanks yugi" I whispered *he winked at me*

* I got in the car* *yugi walked over to the other side and got in,so did* *I noticed a strange necklace yugi wore* "you can call me granpa by the way kuruyami,"said
kuruyami:"alright g-granpa-san..........hey....yugi? "


" did you get that necklace?"
"i'm glad you asked
granpa brought it for me from egypt kuruya-nyan"

ANDHOLYCRAPKURUYA-NYANWE'REHOME....time sure flys doesn't it kuruya-nyan? *I looked out the window* "a-a card shoppe?"

kuruyami: "I l-love duel monsters." I murmured,but yugi was already out running to the other side of the car
