Sketchbook Chapter 3

A sudden realization struck me. Hard. I was obsessed with Taylor.. and.. there's nothing I can do to stop it.
After stripping my sheets, I walked to the shower. I slid out of my boxers and stepped underneath the comforting heat of the jets. My mind yet again gravitated towards Taylor. Visions of last nights dream flickered passed like a black and white motion picture. My dick was loving it. I glanced down at my erection, gently flicking it with my thumb and forefinger. Be normal! Your not supposed to do that for a teacher! Don't just pop up when you decide. You disgust me! Wow..really? What am I doing scoulding my dick. Pathetic. It's not your fault. Sorry buddy. I glanced back down waiting for a response, but of course there was none. After washing my hair I slid back the curtain,swiftly greeted by the cool of the air conditioning. I wiped the condenstation off of the mirror, and stared at my reflection. I gazed at my features carefully, noting my mothers deep set brown eyes, and my damp red hair sticking awkwardly on my forehead. I grabbed the nearest towel and dried myself off. Oh Alex...what are you going to do with yourself.
After haphazardly slipping on a pair of my old,too-tight jeans, I glanced in my closet to find a decent tee shirt. Ah here we are! I pulled my favorite BVB baseball tee and pulled it over my damp hair. Picking up my raggedy cloth bag, I ran downstairs into the kitchen.
"It's about time you came down Allie!" My mom said in her ususal carefree way. She stood in the middle of the kitchen wearing her favorite pair of brown,cordoroy overalls stained with large splats of acrylic. Her scarlet locks were placed messily in a sloppy bun and she was sipping on a oversized coffee mug.
"Oh hey mom" I replied,slightly adgitated at my nickname.
"Hey yourself!" she chuckled. "Do you know what time it is?"
"Time to leave?" I retorted
"Percisley! Hey Allie I have another program to go to so i'm not going to be back untill midnight."
"Alright mom" I mumbled, grabbing a small mandiran orange off the counter. I rougly pecked my mom on the forehead and left the house.
