This is a world for my dreams. I love to dream and picture different people and things. Later i turn them into stories. So this is a world full of my thoughts pretty much. How i'm feeling, what's going through my head ya know the usual.

So come take a look inside, ya never know it might be a surprise.

Ever Thought.....

Have You Ever Though...

What did i do wrong?
Why me?
How could i've been so stupid?
Wrong place wrong time.
Why couldn't i've just kept my mouth shut.
Why did i do that?
I was wrong.
What was i thinking?
What was going through my head?
Why didn't i think of the consequences?
Quit thinking about it.
Why can't i stop worrying?
I have to forget.
Stop thinking.
Just let it go.
It's all in the past.
What happened happened.
I cant change what i did.
Why cant i just let it go?
Why am i still thinking about it?
Just stop.


If i disappear, will anyone notice?
Will anyone care?
Will somebody cry or grieve?
Will things go on like nothings changed?
If i actually be myself or let people in will i get hurt?
Will i cry and scream as though i've been stabbed in the back?
Will anyone accept me?
Will my friends stay?
Will i be betrayed?
Will i ever be able to actually be myself?
Will someone use me?
Will i be crushed?
Will i suffer?
Will i be in pain because of it?
Will i choose the wrong people to let in?
If i change or speak my mind will i be all alone?
Will i become hated?
Will everyone turn their back on me?
Will i laugh and be alright?
Will i fear?
Will i be ever able to do any of these things?
...Maybe.....Or maybe not....
