Grim Morning at the Fourth

It was today. Kita's judgement. Juushiro draped the new captain's haori over his shoulders and brushed his long hair out of his eyes, pausing to glance at his fingers. A slight tremor persisted, but they were no longer stained crimson, black and blue from his torture. The throbbing in his throat had faded to a dull ache. The captain of the thirteenth division was far from well and would be returning to his room there afterwards; however, he could, at the very least be there for his friends in a bad situation.

What fates were awaiting Kita and Tsukiro?

He sighed, coughing lightly, and his eyes flashed. It was time. He opened the door and walked out, met halfway down the quiet hall by Captain Unohana.

"Thank you for your care, Retsu," he greeted with a small smile.
