Explanations and FAQ

Original Characters and Side Characters

So, for this rp you can have up to TWO OCs! That’s pretty self-explanatory. So, the part that needs to be explained. You can have ONE side OC. It’s a new thing that I’m going to be trying for future rps.

A side OC is a OC that will not be in the rp for long and its sole purpose is to help your OC somehow or explain more about their past, or make the rp more dramatic, or, whatever else you can think of using. They’re pretty much a temporary OC. You can post as them and whatever, but eventually, they’ll have to die, or leave somehow. You are allowed to have a side OC for at the most THREE months. After that, you’ll be asked to either make it a main OC, exchange it with one of your other main OCs, get rid of it, or finish up your little arc or whatever you have in store.