A need to remember

Just posting these for personal reasons ^^'
:3 feel free to enjoy the spam though lol

狼 --> おおかみ --> Wolf

狼男 --> おおかみおとこ --> Werewolf


蝙蝠 --> こうもり --> Bat

吸血鬼 --> きゅうけつき --> Vampire; Bloodsucker


猫耳 --> ねこみみ --> Cat Ears

野猫 --> のねこ --> Stray Cat

野良猫 --> のらねこ --> Stray Cat; Alley Cat

好奇心猫を殺す --> こうきしんねこをころす --> Curiosity Killed the Cat

好奇心は猫をも殺す --> こうきしんはねこをもころす --> Curiosity Killed the Cat

猫又 --> ねこまた --> Mythical Two-Tailed Monster Cat

猫股 --> ねこまた --> Mythical Two-Tailed Monster Cat

化け猫 --> ばけねこ --> Monster Cat; Cat with Magical Powers

怪猫 --> かいびょう --> Monster Cat; Cat with Magical Powers

招き猫 --> まねきねこ --> Lucky Cat (Porcelain) with Paw raised

窮鼠噛猫 --> きゅうそごうびょう --> A Cornered Rat will Bite the Cat; One Who is Cornered will Fight Like a Devil

猫に鰹節 --> ねこにかつおぶし --> Temptation One can't Resist

猫 --> ねこ --> Cat


稲荷 --> いなり --> Inari, God of Harvests; Fox, Messanger of Inari

狐 --> きつね --> Fox; A Sly Person

妖狐 --> ようこ --> Mythological Fox Spirit

管狐 --> くだぎつね --> Mythological Pipe Fox
