Get a revolver and Pass the bar of chocolate. Welcome to Mello's Mafia Rantings. I'm your host (for now before I shoot one of you and then we have a whole crisis and what not) Mello. Anyways, *clicks the gun* if you're reading this you either have no life or are in desperate need for some action. Welcome to my Mafia. >:D

Note: there are Death Note stories in here as well as requests/art trades

Rules on Requests:

1. only friends
2. If you want it colored, you're going to have to give me some time
3. can be OCs or other characters, but it they are OCs you must either provide me with an adequate description or a picture.
4. I don't draw animals end of story.

Rules on Art Trades:

1. Anyone can ask me to do a trade, but please don't PM me with something like 'HI I JUST SAW YOUR ART AND CAN WE DO A TRADE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!' Please at least try and talk with me a bit so I can get to know ya ^^
2. I do have a right to deny people for art trades, so if I say no, please don't complain.
3. I will only do art trades for a person's OC.
4. Like #3 in Requests, you must either provide me with an adequate description or a picture.
5. That's all ^^

Random Gift Moments:

Every once in a while I'll steal an OC of someone's and draw it. If this happens, I'll dedicate the pic to you and you'll get a free fan work =P This is caused by my boredom sometimes.


Mello Laughes

Note: This was after Misa gave up her memories, but before Mellow got his face burnt. Yes I know that there is no place in the real story for this ever to exist, but I liked writing it. Oh and this also happened before Mellow burnt the hell out of his face. Please forgive me Mellow fan girls I loved writing this!

“Mellow!” Matt exclaimed, “I have found out the name of Misa Amane’s boyfriend! And after all that work watching her for God knows how many days! His name is Light, and he plans to see Misa at a restaurant tomorrow!”
Mellow pressed his head up against his cell phone harder to make sure he was hearing it right. He was standing outside a convenience store about to order one frozen chocolate Popsicle when Matt had called. The sales clerk looked at Mellow peculiarly and seemed to be trying to decide if Mellow was the type of person he wanted in his store. The clerk did not get a chance to tell Mellow to leave before the blonde haired boy walked away and out the door gripping his cell-phone with one hand and his head.
“Mellow? Are you still there?” Matt asked confused at Mellow’s silence. Matt was sure that Mellow would be very pleased, but the silence was unnerving.
“Good job Matt. I’ll be there soon,” Mellow answered into the phone.
Mellow flipped his cell-phone closed and stuffed it in his back pocket. A motorcycle and helmet were waiting for him parallel parked on the street. The motorcycle was handmade under Mellow’s strict supervision and painted black with white skull peering out from the front head light. The bike was obviously made for speed and sat the rider forward and shielded him with plexy glass. Black leather engulfed the front seat as well as the seat behind used for passengers. A meter ticked backwards to zero and told him he only had ten more minutes before he would be ticketed, but he needed to leave early. One leg was thrown across the bike and fell into the foot hold near one of the exhaust engines. The other was lifted and fell into the other slot in the bike. A key with a chocolate bar keychain from the Willy Wonka factory in Minneapolis was shoved into the ignition and turned clockwise. The engine purred in response and roared as Mellow sped into the street and down another. It was only a few seconds before Mellow was at the apartment he and Matt shared at the moment. Matt was sprawled out on the couch smoking one of his cigarettes with a video game in his hands as Mellow entered.
“So, Misa will be meeting her boyfriend Light at a restaurant tomorrow. We must hurry and put up surveillance and bug the place,” Mellow started.
“That won’t work,” Matt stated flatly, “I checked this restaurant and found that it was more of an outdoor café. The sounds of the outside will make it impossible to detect whose voices are whose, and the cameras could be blocked by all the moving people and things. The only way to really get the job done is to go undercover.”
“Well we are both guys! How are we supposed to do that?” Mellow asked angrily. Then as the though hit him, Mellow froze. “No way!” Mellow protested.
“Come on Mellow, we need more information, and you already have semi-long hair. I think you would look good as a Misa,” Matt laughed happily.
“No f*****g way!” Mellow protested once again.
Mellow banged his head against the wall. How had Matt managed to get him to do it? How had he managed to make Mellow do it? How was the question everyone wanted to know, and those with the correct answer would win the solid gold cubie doll.
Matt moved around measuring Mellow from all angles even with Mellow protesting still. Matt went out and bought clothes that he had seen Misa wear on normal days, and began dressing Mellow.
“I don’t have a bust!” Mellow began, “there is no way I can pull it off!” He felt confident in his argument.
“Don’t worry, I already thought of that!” Matt smiled, “girls do this a lot in the magazines that I look at.”
Matt forced Mellow into a bra stuffed and glued with tiny balloons covered in cotton balls. Mellow continued to squirm as Matt forced him into the pants and shirt that he had picked out. It was of the actual Misa clothes line and looked good on Mellow’s thin figure.
“Matt, I am going to kill you for this,” Mellow growled.
“But you look good! Now we have to prepare more for tomorrow!”
The day passed quickly as Mellow and Matt prepared for the day to come. Matt set up what cameras he could and prepared his car to kidnap Misa. Well it wasn’t a real kidnapping, all he was going to do was stall and then once Mellow was safely away with information, he would drive the real Misa to the café and drive away. Misa would be waiting for her ride at her apartment, and all Matt had to do was cancel the ride that had been originally asked and drive his car to wait for her.
Things moved smoothly and as planned. Mellow was dropped off in his Misa disguise, and Matt went to meet Misa. All night Mellow had been practicing his peppy girl talk by watching shows that were played by Misa. Matt had even thought of the idea that Mellow could explain that he had wanted a haircut as an excuse for its shortness. Mellow stood and watched Matt drive away with the look of sheer terror on his face.
“Dam Matt!” Mellow growled. A few people turned their heads, and Mellow was forced to smile and laugh girly. As the people began to move on, Mellow silently cursed at them inside his head. Mellow moved forward and looked for someone sitting alone at a table. There was no one there that looked like they were waiting for someone, so Mellow sat down by himself. A few minutes later, Mellow heard a voice calling “Misa.” He looked up.
I recognize that face! Mellow thought as he saw Light Yagami once again. (If you don’t understand where they have seen each other, read Light Dreams.) That was the man that I punched that one night for crying about his friend. Could this really be?
“Misa? What are you doing?” Light asked wondering why Misa was staring at him in the way that Mellow was.
“Oh Light!” Mellow started remembering who he was supposed to be.
“You look pale, Misa. Are you ok?” Light asked. Even with her memories gone, I have to stay her boyfriend or things will take a turn for the worst, Light thought.
“Oh Light! Thanks for asking, but I’m fine!” Mellow strained to sound like Misa as much as possible. He has to buy it! He has to believe that I am Misa. Even if there is a slight possibility that this man knows something about the second Kira, I have to get it!
“That’s good. I’m sorry that I have been away for so long, but work has kept me busy,” Light answered.
“Um...Light…are you ok?” Mellow asked trying to pose normal.
“Yes, but I am tired and the work hours are not very manageable at the moment. I’m sorry I haven’t been home in a week. The Kira investigation is slowly making progress, but it drains me too much,” Light answered honestly. One good thing about Misa: you can complain to her as much as you wanted and she would keep listening.
Mellow felt his face grow red. This man is in the Kira investigation! Could he be in the SPK? No, I don’t think so; he is probably from the Japanese Task Force. On that night in the rain, he had said that his friend had died before he realized his feelings. Could his friend possibly have been L? And if so, he knows the second L! And Near believes the second L is Kira. I heard that from the conversation that I managed to probe before they took out my cameras and bugs. What luck!
“I’m sorry, Light. Is there anything I can do?” Mellow asked.
“No, I’m afraid not,” Light answered.
They ordered food and talked a little on subjects that Mellow had studied the night before. All the while, Mellow waited for the chance to ask Light if he had ever known L, but the question could never be brought up.
“Mellow!” Matt’s voice echoed in Mellow’s ear from a transceiver, “I have stalled her as long as possible! Get out of there!”
“Um… Light I have to go to the bathroom,” Mellow said as girly as possible.
“Fine,” Light sighed and rested his head on his arm.
Mellow walked into the back of the café and acted as though he was going to the bathroom, but just as he turned the corner, he hopped the back fence and into the next yard. There hidden among the trash was his motorcycle placed there the day before. Mellow got on and rode away.
Mellow returned to his apartment and lay in his girl clothes on the couch. He was exhausted from the getaway. Just then, Matt opened the door and sagged in.
‘You will not believe the things that Misa girl said about that Light guy. She loves him to death, and I had to hear the entire history of their love from the time she laid eyes on him to the time she stalked him home and asked him to be her boyfriend. It was really creepy. Did you get anything from you talk with Light?”
“Just that he is a Kira case member and that he was the same guy that I met a while ago. I think he has a good sense of right and wrong, so we really don’t have to worry about him. All that work didn’t even pay off a bit!”
“Well….” Matt said blushing, “I did get to see you in a dress.”

LOL thanks for reading my random story! XD


Ok! Here is a story on Matt-chan. Note: this is the same day as the day in the story “Light Dreams” I suggest you read that one before you read this because it makes references to that story. It also happens after Misa gives up her shinigami eyes and memories.

Matt stared out the window with a lighter in his left hand and a cigarette in the other. Neither of the hands made any movement to show that he was going to smoke. They remained at a shoulder’s distance from each other.
Rain was dousing the world and the night was fighting to push away daybreak. Matt pushed back his hair with the hand that held the cigarette and found his goggles were crunching his bangs. He pulled them down around his neck and looked at his reflection in the plexy-glass window. Mellow had insisted that all the windows be made of plexy-glass so that there was no chance of a bullet breaking the glass. It was one of the many safety precautions that Mellow had installed.
“Mellow, where are you?” Matt asked to the window, “You have been gone for nearly a full night. Where are you?”
The window did not reply, and Matt began to feel tears enter his eyes. Mellow had said that he would only be gone a few hours to buy chocolate. Where is he? It makes no sense. Mellow should be back by now, and it is raining. Mellow is like a cat about rain. Where is he? Did something happen to him?
The front door opened and slammed shut.
“Matt, what the hell are you doing?” Mellow asked.
“What do you mean?!” Matt asked angrily, “You said that the most you would be gone was a few hours. Do you have any idea what time it is?!”
Mellow thought for a moment and remembered that that guy Matsuda had claimed it to be more morning than night.
“Nope not a clue,” Mellow answered.
“It is five o’clock in the morning!”
“What are you? My mother?”
“Mellow…I was….was….worried something had happened to you,” Matt said trying to fight back his anger and fear.
“Matt, don’t be like that. I am here now, and I’m going to bed,” Mellow answered.
“Mellow, what if something had happened to you?” Matt asked.
“I have a cell phone. I would just call you.”
“You phone is always off! I called you three times! Mellow, I can’t take anymore.”
“What are you talking about? It’s not like we are married. Dam if we were. You would be one hell of a wife! Look, nothing happened! I am fine! I just needed to beat some sense into this other guy…and I needed time to think about things. I needed to reassure myself that I need to continue going after Kira.”
“L, Kira, Mellow that is all you think about! All you want! What about what I want! You are the reason I started smoking! I hate you!” Matt felt a sudden relief about getting the words out. He pulled his goggles above his eyes and grabbed the door handle.
“Matt! Dam it! Where are you going? Matt!” Mellow stormed.
Matt pulled open the door and was outside the apartment. Then he ran. Matt ran for a good three blocks until he stopped and panted.
“Dam, maybe I should stop smoking. It is so not good for my lungs,” Matt panted. He looked back, but there was no sign of Mellow. So he really doesn’t care. Fine, I’ll take care of myself.
Matt walked down a few streets and walked down to the underground train station. He bought a ticket from the machine and got on the Yamanote line heading south. A corner seat was open and Matt sat down. Seated next him was Misa Amane.
“Um….excuse me, but is there any reason you are sitting here? I kinda need my personal space,” Misa tried being kind. She was out looking for Light at the moment, and this man looked bad.
“Sorry,” Matt answered flatly, but as he bought his eyes up he saw the childish girl Mellow had asked him to investigate Misa Amane.
“Well I guess you don’t look to scary, you can sit here and chat with me!”
Matt thought for a second and then figured that since Misa was publicly known, he could use her name directly.
“You are Misa Amane yes?” He started.
“Oh! So you have heard of me! Yep I am MisaMisa! So I bet you know all about my acting career! Well I am not that popular yet, but I am getting there!”
“I would have thought an actress would have a car,” Matt snickered.
“Oh! So you are the bad type! Well I don’t like bad people!”
“Sorry,” Matt answered. He didn’t mean to take his anger out on her.
“Well as long as you really are sorry I will continue to talk to you! Anyway, you look a little down. What is wrong?”
“Why should I tell you?” Matt asked feeling that he was taking out his anger on her again.
“Well! I was just trying to be nice! Now are you going to tell me or not!” Misa asked.
“Fine, I guess it’s ok. My friend kicked me out of the apartment that we were sharing. He is so mean sometimes. I don’t know why I didn’t leave him from the start.”
“So he was cold hu? My boyfriend is that way too. He changes in mood so easily because of his work, but I have come to love that about him.”
“You have a boyfriend?” Matt asked. He had never seen a boyfriend around when he was watching her all that time.
“Ya we were living together for a while too, but then his work took him away from me for a long time. This was the first night that he had come home, but he went out for some reason early this morning. I was looking for him and decided just to go home. That is why I am here.”
“Does he love you?” Matt asked.
“I don’t know for sure, but I love him. He expresses himself sometimes, but most of the times I get a front that he put up because of work. I love him, and that is all that matters. Oh wow this is kinda of weird; I don’t even know your name.”
“My name is Matt,” Matt answered. She worried so much that she went looking for him. Misa must really love her boyfriend. Her boyfriend puts up a front. Sort of like…Mellow. Yes Mellow puts up a front because he is in the Mafia and needs to act tough, but he never lets down his guard. All that matters…is that I love him. That is what Misa said. All that matters is love. Do I love Mellow? He is rough on the outside, but I think I might. That would explain why we have so many fights. I worry about him…hum…I read somewhere that worry is actually a form of love. I thought it was a joke, but now I see. I love Mellow for who he is.
“Um…are you ok Matt? You were sort of drifting off. Are you ok?”
“Mellow,” Matt mumbled.
“Hey Matt! Are you ok?” Misa asked.
Matt sat up and realized that he had fallen over.
“Sorry, I must have somewhat dozed off. I didn’t sleep at all last night. Sorry.”
“You say sorry way too much. Now listen, act like a man! Go home and kick that baka in the butt! Tell him that it is you apartment too and see what he does!” Misa said enthusiastically.
“Thanks, you’ve helped in ways that you don’t even know. I hope your boyfriend is home. Sorry, but I have to get off at the next stop and go home. Tanks again.”
“No problem! Wow maybe I should be like one of those councilors on T.V. Maybe I could even beat Dr. Phil. Bye Matt!”
Matt got off at the next stop and took another train back north. The sun was already up by the time Matt was back in front of his apartment. He grabbed the door and pulled it open. Mellow was sleeping soundly on the couch. His hair was a mess and covered most of his face. Matt walked over to the couch and sat down near Mellow’s feet. Mellow opened one eye and looked at Matt.
“Are you ok now Matt?” Mellow asked not sounding groggy at all. He had been awake.
“Good because you worried me. I went out looking for you, but it was like you just disappeared. I’m glad you’re safe. Now come here.”
Mellow grabbed Matt’s jacket and pulled him down to his level one the couch. Matt lay down next to Mellow on the couch. Mellow put one hand over Matt’s waist, but Matt didn’t move. Matt was breathing slowly now, and Mellow felt his breathing slow also. Things began to grow dark as both went to sleep there on the couch.

Misa pulled open the door to her and Light’s apartment. Then she pulled open the door to their bedroom. There at the window as the sun began to rise higher in the sky, Light stood. Le turned slowly and Misa noticed the plate of cinnamon rolls in his arms.
“I was wondering where you went off to Misa. I thought I would make breakfast this morning. Matsuda’s sandwiches are starting to bore me, so I thought this would be a change. Here Misa.”
Misa blushed and took one of the cinnamon rolls.
“These taste horrible.”
