To my dear lovelies

It's Usagi here! I know it's been awhile, but I'm back and trying to get people to engage in more activity here. So, I have this idea brewing in my head. I'm going to make a challenge (soon hopefully) and I just wanna get some hype built up for it. It's not up yet mind you, but I want you to think deeply about yourselves. What kind of person are you really? What quirks do you have? What are your interests? What are your hobbies? What are your regular play styles in games? Your fashion? Referred hairstyle? In this challenge, I want to see the you inside you. I want to see who you are on the outside and inside. But, I want it a step further. I want you to draw your truest selves as rpg characters.

Now take a step deeper than that, I want to know why you're a mage or paladin. Tell me how it fits into your life. Tell me how it reflects your soul. If there isn't a known character class that suits you, by all means create one! Just explain it to me please. I'm working on my character me as we speak. I plan on using her/me as an example to further explain what I want from everyone. I love memes because you learn so much about people with them but now, I want to learn more about you wonderful people through creativity. Through your own words and artistic ability (traditional or digital I'm not picky). Hell, if you want to one up me give me your character name and title. This is your homework tonight and for the next couple days until I can unveil my example. Sound exciting? I hope so

If you want, give me a preview in the comments. I'd love to see what you come up with. Later guys,

