Holy crap baskets what a week

Hello my lovelies. I deeply apologize for being almost absent for a few days. This past week has really just drained me. Between my wrist, working a double shift, snarky aides, uncooprative residents, and being just plain tired Ive hardly been here v.v Ive only really checked my messages a little and Im still wotking on answering all of them so if I havent answered you yet, this is why.

Besides work related things my husband and I have been invited to a lot of Ramadan dinners this past week too ^^ which was a lot of fun....although all the women keep pestering me about having a child...-sighs- the worlds not ready for another Usagi. Trust me. Im nothing short of the word insane and they want two of me. God could you imagine...a child with Okami's intelligence and my insanity? The child would destory the world! XD anyway, no babies for me thanks. Babies are confusing creatures.

So yeah thats about it really x.x nothing interesting here as always lol oh! Wait! I take that back. Okami's birthday is the 18th any ideas on what sweets I should make for him? Hes more of a brownie/cookie/icecream guy than cake and hes allergic to coconut. I was thinking about making a large round brownie cake and icing it like the batman logo since hes been running around calling himself batman lately. What do you think?
