Explanation and stress totally gone!

Ok so Ive decided to do another ask me anything game. So pleease have all you questions in by monday night ^^ feel free to ask any question or questions you want ^^ long questions, short questions, personal questions, fan girl questions xD

Anything you want to ask Ill answer ^^ Idk how Im gonna answer yet. Ill let that be a surprise



Hey guys just bumping this up ^^ remember to ask anything you like ^^

Questions so far:


OMG! Random question: 1. Have you ever read at least part of Excel in Cipherland? And if you have what do u think of the story?

2. What's ur favorite color?

Keba si rota:

1. What is your opinion on flamingos?
2. Is it weird that I have randomly asked many people that question?
3. What's your favorite Goo Goo Dolls song?
4. Speaking of music, can you sing and/or play an instrument? (I hope I haven't asked that one before.)
5. Who are some of Trainer Pink's friends in Pokemon?
6. Which character designs do you like better: Sailor Moon or Sailor Moon Crystal?
7. Before the title was revealed, did you secretly hope that the new Sailor Moon anime would be called Sailor Moon Sisterhood?
8. Do you think that the name Sailor Moon Crystal makes it seem like the partner game to HeartGold and SoulSilver?
9. How do you think Sailor Moon Crystal will handle Sailor Pluto's character since Pluto isn't a planet anymore?
10. Can you make funny voices?

SongBird 33:

1.) What is your favorite Pokemon?
2.) Who is your favorite Sailor Moon character?


New about the bunny:

Hello my lovelies. Seeing as things havent been working out so well for me lately (cursemy awful luck^^;;) I decided to extend thequestion deadline to the week end. Sorry Ivebeen so upset lately. Things just hit me all at once and it really got to me....of course my parents are always a sensitive subject so...you know. Anyway, today was pretty awesome and despite mother nature kicking me while Im down its been a great day ^^ my feet just hurt lol as it turns out I have to order in special gloves = not only am I allergic to the larex kind but the vinel break me out too -sighs- my skin is to sentitive.

Anyway thats about it really ^^ so send me some questions if you have any


Read here:

Hello my lovelies. Im just here saying Im sorry I didnt get my ama questions out. I will say Ive decided to do a voice meme. I didnt get it out because Okami and I went to a little festival this weekend and just sort of had a weekend all to ourselves. Because we both work now, we only get every other weekend to fully spend time together. Quality time with Okami aside, I was also worried about my birth certificate getting here in time. With my parents being....well for being jerk offs (pardon my language) I was afraid Id loosemy job still. I had to actually go aroundmy parents and call the deeds office to get a copy for myself. It was nerveracking waiting for it and just plain rude of my parents to do that. Im not as mad as I was, Im just done even thinking about them you know?

Anyway, I wont loose my job now ^^ so Im happy. Im going to actually do the voice meme on wed. because thats my next day off ^^ so again, if you have any more questions for me please ask before then
