New look and life update

Hello my lovelies =D how are you today? I'm ok for the most part just super cold because the dog is hogging the heat fan xD (she sits bolt straight right in front of it all day and doesn't share lol) anyone else have wintery weather? We have a very nice (to look at not touch) fluffy blanket of snow here ^^ I love watching it fall its so beautiful and peaceful. Which is good around here because its been chaos packing here xDDD I decided to help out my mother in law pack up the livingroom yesterday and it was a huge mess. Boxes, wipes, dust rags and picture frames everywhere because the pitty decided to chew he frames and run...while she was hooked to the cement top coffee table...yeah you can see where this is going XDDD

Amazingly nothing was broken or really damaged for that matter. Only the picture frame that got chewed on. She almost got my big blue Faerie...there would have been some problems if she had gotten Artemis....-_- big problems. But, she left her alone ^^ so everythings good. (yes I collect faeries as well as dragons, plushies, and swords)

But yeah that was about it for the cleaning. We have to do more today but we also need to go out and we can't until we get a phone call from someone so =/ yeah we're just sort of sitting here. Anyway~ I decided to change my worlds look ^^ let me know what you think. I even changed my facebook page to this theme also. It's funny really because I didn't expect to change my TheO world too. I originally went looking for a new picture for my profile pic. Thats when I found the beautiful Alice picture. (the picture below)

I decided then that I would make a wonderland theme for my facebook and theO ^^ I've always loved the story alice in wonderland. I'm not sure why really but its always stuck with me and kept my interest. I was really excited when tim burton did his version of Alice >w< lovely movie if you haven't watched it yet~ But yeah, so I decided to do an alice theme so let me know what you think guys ^w^
