I'm not dead! I swear xD

Hello my lovelies how are you? I'm really sorry I disappeared >.< a lots been going on here lately. For one, we're actually looking at a house for real this time. Things are looking good but I'm afraid to get excited about it because I feel like every time I do it never works out T_T have you every felt that way before? It really sucks x.x

Also, the holidays are coming up so that means shopping, food, and lots of running for me. I don't want all that food to stick to my hips or belly =x plus I enjoy running anyway ^^ its relaxing. Is that strange?

As for the promised video, it will be filmed tomorrow and up tomorrow! I've had a lot of prep work to do for it which sounds silly but I really want it to look nice. So hopefully you guys will enjoy it ^^

I also discovered that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is on netflix and....I've been marathoning ^^;;.....(and still totally cried when Hues died T-T I knew it was coming and I still cried....I'm such a girl sometimes) but yes I couldn't help it >w< I loved the series so much when it first came out and now that I've learned that wasn't the real story I was curious to see how things really went down. So here I am on the second part of brotherhood already xD....I wonder though....do I really seems like Edward? Quite a few people in the past have mentioned it but I'm not sure if they're being serious or....if its because I'm fun sized xD

Anywhozywhatsits, that's about it for me today. Now that you guys know I'm not dead xD I think I'll stop blabbering on about nonsense lol Have an awesome morning/afternoon/evening/night! (where ever you are in the world ^^)

Usa out!
