There must be another part to this dream that I can't let go of
But somehow it keeps getting interrupted.....

"Even with this vague helping hand,
In a split second the cocoon's threads are torn apart and turn to ash"
Poems that lurk in the darkness of my mind will find their peace on this digital paper.....

Burning through

i may have grown
but my heart got left behind
[screaming and panting and screeching in despair]

my mind brushes itself in the mirror
chanting and wailing
[sweeping sighs and stars in its grievance]

your eyes eclipse my crooked masking
the illusion i've been weaving in the ashes
[of endless nights]

[of mourning and grounding]
[of dancing and sleeping]
of the years i've wasted

and the lips i've tasted

for my heart cried alone
for my mind to adorne
[the deep dark frights]

with the unholy lights

. . .

there is no redemption
for the human shells
so emptied by hate

with hunting innate

. . .

Beasts exist
and the worst are the ones
to slither within a soul

[melt it down, burn it to the ground]
