Hmmm. . .

Good news first!

I'm learning how to sew! WOOT! I'm finally going to be able to sew my own lolita clothes. *dances* And I got more manga paper So I'll be able to draw more. :D My uncles finally coming into town! I'm so excited! Yeah, you may think, "So what hes just your uncle." Oh, but hes not, my uncle is freaking awesome! :3 and hes an artist.

I finished Earl and Fairy! It was so short! NEED. SECOND. SEASON.
Okay, has this ever happened to you? You like something allot, but no one has heard of it. You wish more people knew about it. Then suddenly, its gets really popular and that's what everyone is talking about but now you dont like it??? XD Yeah. . . that's happened to me with an anime I liked. I wanna watch it but I don't at the same time. Weird huh? I think it actually went to long, that' why I don't wanna watch it cause it should have ended like. . . last year.

Anywho, I went to the dentist for cavities today and my face is all numb. I HATE THAT. And all this talk about corsets with Support KIRA is getting to me, my ribcage is sore. :P On that note, my computer died so I have been using my school laptop for everything. TT__TT WHY, VINCE, WHY COULD YOU LET ME DOWN LIKE THAT!? *sobs*

So, I went to church in a bright white lolita dress and my friend (Who also is a lolita) ran over to me after worship and hugged me and lifted me in the air yelling "CHIBI-CHAN TOTOMO KAWAII DESU NEE! TOTOMO TOTOMO! KAWAII~~~" lol! I was like "Brittney-san, I'm suffocateing! Hadashite!" XD and we continued to talk in Japanese and ry was freaking out "I CANT UNDERSTAND YOU! Dont speak weird languages around me! Phh!" ROFL. Shes a wild one. :P so then yesterday I wore the same outfit to the airport to pick mama up. :3 She loved it. I wanted an eye patch and a top hat though. Lol, yeah, you know where I'm going with that.

At the airport I found out what a cell phone waiting lane is. . . creepy place. >.>

In the area of school:
I'm writing a paper on schizophrenia! Then after that I have to write one on character traits, then one on Geisha. X3 I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading daily and also adding chapters to my fan fiction. Sadly, I pushed NanoWrimo to the side. I hate to abandon all my precious characters but Its to stressful at the moment when everything is going on like this.
Gomen. :(

Love, Kisses, and Crazy Christmas cookies!
