Shitty Meme Beatdown: 7 Sins

WARNING: GIF-heavy post!

When I saw Kelsey's post about this meme, I experienced all kinds of emotions: anger, offense, disappointment and, above all, confusion. So, in an attempt to not clutter her comments section with rage, I decided to give it the right treatment here.

By the way, this is by no means a personal attack on Kelsey. It's just a rant on why the meme is shitty and deserves a beatdown. The logic I follow is:
"You are X if you Y." - e.g. You are creepy if you stalk people. OR, alternatively:
"If you Y, then you are X." - e.g. If you stalk people, then you are creepy.

You carry a mirror everywhere.
You carry beauty supplies everywhere.
You put others down.
You flaunt or brag about yourself.
The only topic that interests you is you.
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(this option is OK, I just needed an excuse to use this GIF XD)
You don't listen to others problems.
You wear booty shorts.
You wear makeup. - God forbid someone wear makeup, that's just slutty!
You enjoy attention.
You like to do things YOUR way and YOUR way only.

You feel negative about your body image.
You don't have a lot of money.
You don't have good grades. - because that automatically means you're envious of those who do. Hint: no, it doesn't.
You're insecure.
Your living conditions aren't the best.
You cry a lot.
You are bullied. - and this relates to envy how? Maybe if you were the one doing the bullying, then I'd see it.
You've never been in a real relationship or have been in a bad one. - ...and what does this have to do with being envious...?
You don't attract all the girls/boys. - why would you want to? Do you want to be Kelis by any chance?
You think everyone else has better things.

You eat a lot.
You always get more than what you need.
You always have snacks around your house. - because you can't have a bag of pretzels that you consume in the span of a week.
You drink a lot. - I'm sure as hell going to need one after this meme!
You always have a granola bar or something in your purse.
You hide food.
You are normally warm.
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of course I'm always warm, dumbass, otherwise I'd be DEAD.
You can crack a lot of your bones
You often say, "I'm starving...."

You are very sexually active.
You have had three or more girlfriends or boyfriends.
You wear matching underwear.
You wear a lot of makeup. - sluuuuut.
You have fetishes.
You have looked up porn.
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You are a fan of Yaoi or Yuri.
You have "fantasized".

You have not had a real relationship.
You go to anger management classes or used to.
You have to take special pills.
You are aggressive.
You hate someone. - there's absolutely no one alive who doesn't hate someone. If they say they don't, then they are lying through their teeth.
You have hurt someone - physically or mentally. - likewise. Even babies kicking their moms when in the womb could constitute as "hurting", judging by that logic.
You back-talk people. - this sounds more like envy/pride TBH.
You have gotten detention before.
You get into fights - verbal or physical.
You are strong. -
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because you can't be strong without having rage issues. DUH.

You often buy things. - yeah, how about food? Sure, it can be things you don't need, but it doesn't say that.
You [often] WANT instead of NEED.
You have expensive things.
You put yourself before others.
You can tend to be a little rude. - judging by how I'm responding to this meme, I'm the biggest asshole alive.
You don't try to save money.
You own more than two cars.
You own more than two credit cards.
You always have to look the best.

You don't do gym in school or don't try in gym.
You don't have the best grades. - could also mean you're an idiot tho.
You procrastinate.
You go to bed at ten p.m. - ...I don't see the connection. Most lazy people I know love to go to bed late because it means they have more time nothing. They also wake up late.
You often take naps.
You fall asleep in classes.
You're often called lazy.
You don't participate in class.
You do the minimum amount of work.
You seldom go to church.
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maybe I don't want to go to church because I'm not a religious person. Or, I don't know, I'm disabled and physically can't go. What a stupid sentence, and just when I thought it was going OK.

CONCLUSION: on a scale from 1 to FAIL, this meme is...
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FACESLAP. Congratulations!

Got more shitty memes? Feel free to send them my way!
