Welcome to Chinatown! During your visit, be sure to stop by Count D's pet shop, where love and dreams are sold in the form of mythical creatures- but not without a catch. The buyer must adhere to a set of rules, which if broken, may result in death...or worse.

Our Motto:
If you do not adress to each point into your contract, then this store cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the owner and/or the pet...

Onwer of Shop: Count D

Username/Pet Owners/Pets/Rank:

Bonez15/Jesse/Mike the Panther/Leader
DeidaraNarutoClan/Taro/Ari-chan the spider/Co-leader
SandLover13/Alla/Dangerous, Diana, and Death the Cerberus/Treasurer
wolfdemonchild9/Nikkie/Dizzy the Albino Lion/Secretary

Rules of this Shop:
1.) Follow the rules or face the HORROR! >XD

2.) Two words: NO SPAMMING!!!

3.) Your Pet Owner OC shall be either your already created charcter or you can make-up one. I do not want you playing as someone from the anime/manga

4.) Your exotic pet's human appearence must be:

  • A famous celebrity who died
  • A family member of your OC that died
  • A friend that died
  • ETC.

Thank you and have fun!^^


Jesse and Mike's Profile

Pet Owner

Name: Jesse "Jackson" Sand
Age: 16
Gender: Gender-confused XD(I'll explain)
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Half brown, half blue
Personality: bi-sexual, child-like, joker
History: Jesse is actually a spilt personality to another character I had named Jessica. After Michael Jackson's death, Jesse was created to mourn the loss of a close friend. Jesse (pronounced Jessie) is a drag king doing Jackson Tributes. After He and his other half Jessica spilt apart, Jesse moved to ChinaTown and came across D's PetShop to get a pet so he can feel better and so he could move around. He(actually a she) is now currently blind.
Rank: Leader of Club


Name: Michael "Mike" Sand
Animal: Black Leopard
Gender: Male
Looks like: Michael Jackson
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown (Yellow in cat form)
Animal features: Black cat ears and tail
Personality: Nice to children, very ruthless, likes destroying things, is a worry-wart when his owner gets hurt.
Rules that owner must follow: 1.) Do not leave him hungry 2.)Never go the Science class with him 3.) No chemicals should go on his skin/fur
What happens with you and/or your owner breaks them: Either the skin is bleached or he grows and transforms into his animal form


How to Join

You must PM or Comment me with these completed formats:

For Pet Owners

For Pets
Looks like:
Animal features:
What happens with you/owner breaks them:

Thank you! Please join^^
