Sidequest: Gather the yellow cosmos flowers.
You have acquired yellow cosmos.
A feeling of warmth and peacefulness slowly washes over your body.

The Return

Hi all...

So actually it's been quite a while since I've last visited this place. The last time I was here, I was an anybody wanting to be a somebody while reaching out to other anybody's out there. Quite frankly, I hardly remember what my first account name was back when we primarily posted on myOtaku. My account name started with an 'S', and yes, I thought it was cool. Honestly, I think I was a lost soul, and so here I am again.

I'm not exactly sure who would come here to read this, but my jogging mind just needed to pen down my thoughts somewhere...and I guess the first place I thought of was this place, where it sort of started. I wonder if all of my old friends are still here.

It's been a very long time, and looking back, I've realized I've done some stupid things, thought some stupid thoughts, caused unnecessary pain to those of this community who had cared about me. Of course I'm laughing at these memories now, wondering what the heck compelled me to be that person. But then I quickly remember, oh right, raging hormones probably...lol what a prime time in life that was.

How nub was I??

Wow do I feel uh...high level. Yeah, let's call it that, not quite transcended, but yeah, I've got quite the levels on me, I mean...on life. Yeah, that's it.

- Stay mellow my friends.
