
I'm going to continue the story and post as him soon. Night is going to stay behind.
Name: Shadow
Nickname: none
Type of Animal: gray wolf
What They Look Like In Animal Form: peer black wolf. Just like Ice except eyes, pierced ears
Age: 19
Birthdate: 12/30
Eye Color: golden yellow
Gender: male
Hair Style: long with a pony tail, bangs like Itachi’s(from Naruto)
Hair Color: black
Full Outfit: black t-shirt, cargo pants, jacket with sleeves that show some of his arms, and black hobo gloves; his ears are pierced like Zero‘s(from Vampire Knight)
Tails, Ears, Claws, etc?: fluffy wolf tail and wolf ears(not in front of humans)
Weapon: bow and arrows
Personality: kind and gentle, likes music and tends to quote songs he likes
Interests: other wolves, his brother, archery
Dislikes: people who hunt wolves
Fears: loosing those he cares about
Past: ran away with brother, fell off a cliff and injured his shoulder, was adopted by a human family that knew he was a halfer but treated him well
Relationships/Crush: none
Family: mom and dad(dead), human adoptive parents, Ice
Friends: his brother’s friends
