hey well i guess you know me i mean everyone knows me but sometimes not by what i am well anyway this is my world have fun read and listen to music i might post some pics but idk yet well see yah and don't be strangers

this is how you remind me

people i got something to say

ok people yes i am dating pretty kitty if you got something to say send me a pm just get it over with i'm not going to just sit back and let something spread people grow up you got something to say say it to my face i'm done running to stop my self from flipping say what you got to say or don't talk i'm done with the rooms that talk about me the threats i'm done you want to say something i'm here say it


hey people i'm leaving this might be my las post for a while so i guess this is good bye to much stuff happens on this sight i get called a liar i try to help then all of a sudden i'm the culprit no i'm done so you can all just piss off if thats how its going to be so i guess i'm out bye

when i'm gone

lose yourself